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McPherson, Donna

  • Persona

Donna McPherson is a resident of West Hill, Belleville, Ontario.

Wheeler, Earl

  • Persona
  • 1899-1918

Earl Gilbert Wheeler was born in Chicago, Illinois on January 22, 1899 and later moved to 190 James Street in Belleville, Ontario. His father Fred Wheeler worked in a local mill and was married to Ada Maude Wheeler and had one other son, Ray.

A student at the outset of the war, Earl enlisted in the Cobourg Heavy Battery at the age of eighteen in April 23, 1917 after serving three years in the Cadet Corps. After an initial period of training in Cobourg, he departed from Halifax in June of that year to begin training at Otterpool Camp in England. He was later relocated to Ross Barracks at Shornecliffe Camp before finally transferring to Whitley Camp before departing for France on February 1, 1918. While in France he served in both the 1st Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column as well as the 5th Division Trench Mortars.

While attached to the Y Battery of the 2nd Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade on September 2, 1918, Gunner Wheeler was wounded in combat and later presumed dead. Despite no official record of his death at the time of the incident, a search of casualties and prisoners of war turned up no evidence of his survival. His service number was 2327329.

Gazley, Gordon

  • Persona

Gordon Gazley worked for the Belleville Fire Department between 1986 and 2008. He retired as Chief on January 18, 2008.

Rawdon - Springbrook Pastoral Charge (Ont.)

  • Entidad colectiva

Rawdon - Springbrook Pastoral Charge was formed ca. 1968 when Rawdon Pastoral Charge and Springbrook Pastoral Charge amalgamated; it included Rawdon, Springbrook, Mount Pleasant, and Bethel

Moira-Schuster Ltd.

  • Entidad colectiva

There was a coal dock at the end of Front Street in Belleville, Ontario, from 1850, when it was owned by the Rathbun Lumber and Coal Company. In 1905 the company moved to Deseronto and the coal portion was purchased by William E. Schuster and Walter Belair. Belair bought out his partner in 1930 and sold the firm to Canadian Fuels Ltd. in 1934. In 1954 the Schuster Company purchased Moira Fuels Ltd. from A. McLean Haig and the company was named Moira-Schuster Ltd. They stopped selling coal in 1969 and the coal dock on Front Street was sold in 1973. A ten-storey apartment block was built on the site.

Morrison (family)

  • Familia

The Morrison family lived in Tweed, Ontario, in the early twentieth century.

Quinte Cultural Centre

  • Entidad colectiva
  • 1997-2003

The Quinte Cultural Centre at Belleville Collegiate Institute and Vocational School (BCIVS) was a non-profit corporation composed of concerned citizens in Belleville, Ontario and vicinity whose primary objective was to develop a cultural and information centre in the vacant BCIVS. Registered as a charitable organization in October 1997, it was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in October 1998. BCIVS 2000, also registered as a charitable organization and a not-for-profit corporation registered in Ontario, was the steering committee for the development of the Quinte Cultural Centre.

Stinson, Harold

  • Persona
  • fl. 1927-1965

Harold Stinson was a taxi driver and later a service station owner in Trenton, Ontario. In 1927-1928 he was employed in driving members of the cast and crew of the 'Carry On Sergeant!' movie from their lodgings to the sets of the film.

Donnan, Bryson Carlyle

  • Persona
  • 1895-1963

Bryson Carlyle Donnan was born in St. Catharines, Ontario, the son of Samuel Donnan and Elizabeth (née Bryson) on 31 March 1895. He signed up to serve in the Canadian Expeditionary Force in September 1914, when he was working as a schoolteacher. He was commissioned a lieutenant at the Battle of the Somme. He became a barrister in 1920 and was the senior partner in the law firm of Donnan and Butler, becoming a King's Counsel in 1933 and Crown Attorney for Hastings County.

Donnan continued his association with the military, becoming a lieutenant in the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment. He became a captain in the regiment in 1921, major in 1925 and in 1937 was promoted to lieutenant-colonel and was given command of the First Battalion. In 1942 he took over command of the 9th Anti-Tank Regiment, and remained in that post until he retired from the military in 1945. He continued as Crown Attorney of Hastings County until 1954.

Bryson Carlyle Donnan was a Freemason, an honorary director of the Belleville Club and a member of the Bay of Quinte Yacht Club. He died in Belleville General Hospital on 25 February 1963 and was survived by his wife, Connie, and three sons.

Belleville Collegiate Institute and Vocational School

  • Entidad colectiva
  • 1928-2004

The cornerstone of Belleville Collegiate Institute and Vocational School on Church Street in Belleville, Ontario, was laid on 5 October 1927. The school officially opened on 12 December 1928. The school closed its doors to students in 1992 and stood empty for twelve years. It was eventually demolished in 2004.

Paudash Women's Institute

  • Entidad colectiva

The Paudash Women's Institute was in the North Hastings W.I. district in Ontario. It was formed in 1947 and disbanded in 1978.

Prince Edward Belleville Ladies Club

  • Entidad colectiva

The Prince Edward Belleville Ladies Club was founded in 1943 and was originally called the Sunshine Group. The Club began for women living in Prince Edward County, later expanding its boundaries to include the Belleville area. The Prince Edward Belleville Ladies Club raised money for community projects, made charitable donations to organizations, attended guest speaches, and researched local history. The Club was active for 56 years, officially closing in 1999.

Resultados 1 a 20 de 1589