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Boyce, Gerry

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  • 1933-2022

Gerald Egerton (Gerry) Boyce was born in Hamilton, Ontario in 1933. He graduated from McMaster University with a B.A. in History in 1955 and received an M.A. in History from the University of Manitoba in 1960.

Boyce taught for 32 years in secondary schools in the Quinte region. He retired in 1989 to concentrate on research and writing. His many publications include: Historic Hastings (1967), Hutton of Hastings (1972), The St. Andrew's Chronicles (1978), and Belleville: A Popular History (2008). He was a founding member of the Hastings County Historical Society in 1957 and has remained closely associated with the Society and its collections. He was instrumental in establishing the Hastings County Museum and the Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County and he served as a Councillor for the City of Belleville from 1991 to 1997.

Gerry died on 5 October 2022 in Belleville.

McGann, John Barrett

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  • 1810-1880

John Barrett McGann was born in Kilkenny, Ireland, in 1810. He trained as a land surveyor and then taught in a public school for 14 years. He left Ireland for America in 1854 and became interested in the education of deaf-mute children. He moved to Toronto as a teacher in 1855 and by 1858 was running a school for deaf children. The school closed in 1864 and McGann reopened it at Dundurn Castle in Hamilton. Its funding was precarious and in 1870 the Government of Ontario took over responsibility for the school at new premises in Belleville, Ontario. McGann was the resident superintendent of the Ontario Institute for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb in Belleville from 1870 until his death in January 1880. He was buried in the Belleville Cemetery.

Brown, Kenneth Murray

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  • 1941-2019

Ken Brown was born in Meaford, Ontario, on 28 December 1941, the child of Walter Brown and Peggy (Kent). He worked as a high school teacher and, after his retirement, as an archivist-historian for the Town of Deseronto. He died in Trenton, Ontario on 29 June 2019.