Affichage de 1589 résultats

Notice d'autorité

Belleville Cemetery Company

  • Collectivité
  • 1872-

The Belleville Cemetery Company was established at a meeting in the Town Hall of Belleville, Ontario, held on 12 October 1872.

Belleville Weavers and Spinners Guild

  • Collectivité
  • 1956-

The Belleville Weavers Guild was established in February 1956 by Hazel Hayes, Ida Godden, Florence Ayling, Helen Sulman, Lil Watson, Lily Moult, and Janet Gilroy. Its aim was to "further interest in weaving by sharing ideas and information and by planned programs.” The organization's interests were expanded to include spinning, felting, dyeing and basketry and the word Spinners was added to the name in 1982. By 2002 the Guild's membership had grown to 80 members.

Principal Investments Ltd.

  • Collectivité
  • fl. 1961

Principal Investments Ltd. was a general construction firm based in Toronto, Ontario.

McPherson, Donna

  • Personne

Donna McPherson is a resident of West Hill, Belleville, Ontario.

Blakslee, Van Arsdale

  • Personne
  • 1889-1971

Dr. Van Arsdale Blakslee was born on September 22nd, 1889. He married Margaret Newbold on April 14th, 1915 in Manhattan, New York. They had two daughters, Joan and Peggy. He established his medical practice at 111 Victoria Avenue in Belleville in 1917 and retired in around 1968. He attended the Bridge Street Methodist Church in Belleville, Ontario and belonged to organizations such as the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), the Belleville Fish and Game Club and the Belleville Rotary Club. He died on December 26th, 1971.

Springer, William Charles

  • Personne
  • 1864-1956

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, William Springer spent his entire working life in the hardware business. In 1885, he helped found the Peterborough Lock Manufacturing Company. After a return to the United States, William returned to Canada, settling in Belleville Ontario in 1901. He leased the Chown Factory at 237 Pinnacle Street and co-established the Belleville Hardware Company. In 1910, he left the Belleville Hardware Co. and after receiving 250 shares worth $100 each from H.C. Hunt for the Brass and Steel Goods Ltd, he established the Springer Lock Manufacturing Company located at 180 Coleman Street. He was the Managing Director there until he sold the company to the American Hardware Company in 1931. In 1917 he took on the position of President after the death of the original President, Sir Mackenzie Bowell. He died in Belleville on 30th August 1956.

Dack, William (Bill)

  • Personne
  • b. 1928

William Dack is a life-long resident of Belleville, Ontario.

Etter, Philip Herbert

  • Personne
  • 1924-2016

Philip Herbert Etter was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia on July 14th, 1924, and later settled in Belleville, Ontario. As a young man he worked in the offices of steamship agents, Pickford and Black. During World War Two he served with the Royal Canadian Merchant Navy. He joined the crew of Her Majesty's Number One Canadian hospital ship, Lady Nelson, a hospital ship, on April 21, 1943 as a Junior Purser and made several Atlantic crossings totalling 160,000 sea miles. They would travel over to the Mediterranean, pick up troops from the battlefields, transport them to England and then take convalescents to Halifax or Montreal. He wrote an account of his time at sea. After the war, Philip worked hard to help get recognition for the veterans who had served in the Canadian Merchant Navy and enable them to be eligible for the same benefits as the Navy veterans. He was the eastern region director of the Canadian Merchant Navy Veterans Association and its representative on the National Council of Veterans Associations in Canada. He died at the Belleville General Hospital on August 6th, 2016.

Mikel, William Charles

  • Personne
  • 1866-1950

William Charles Mikel was born in Belleville in 1866 and attended Belleville High School, and later Albert College. His post-secondary career began at Ontario Business College and culminated upon receiving his Bachelor of Civil Law degree from Toronto's Trinity College. Upon graduating he took up practice in Belleville where he achieved acclaim early on in his career as he successfully defended James Kane against a murder charge.

Mikel was named Master of the Supreme Court of Canada for Belleville in 1928. He served as Crown Prosecutor throughout the Province of Ontario, as well as appearing before both the Provincial Legislature and the House of Commons. Of note amongst his government cases, Mikel was a member of Counsel for the Farmers Bank of Canada. In addition to this, Mikel was named King's Council in 1908 and was named head of the Ontario Municipal Association in 1907 and 1908. He was among those who founded the Ontario Bar Association and was named its President in 1911 and 1912.

Mikel's public service is well noted as he was named Auditor and City Solicitor as well as being elected an Alderman for the City Belleville. In 1924 he was elected Mayor of Belleville with the largest majority the city had seen municipally or parliamentary. In 1925 he was elected once again, with a larger majority than the mandate he earned in 1924.

Mikel was a Captain in the 15th Battalion, Argyll Light Infantry and upon the eruption of World War I, he volunteered for service but was turned down. Despite not being allowed to participate in the war, he nonetheless was able to recruit local organizations to mobilize their resources for use overseas. He also was active in local and national fraternal organizations. These include serving as the Master of the Moira Masonic Lodge, the Council Commander of the Woodmen of the World, President of the Canadian Fraternal Association from 1918 to 1919, Vice-President of the United Empire Loyalist Association of Canada in 1928, and Vice President of the Ontario Magistrates Association in 1928.

Mayor Mikel was also an avid local historian. He set about writing one of the first recorded histories of Belleville, The City of Belleville History which was published in 1943. One of his ambitions was to see a "Quinte City" constructed, amalgamating villages, towns, and cities around the Bay of Quinte in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. He died at his William Street home in 1950, and was survived by his wife Lillian and his daughter Audrey Milne-Jeffrey. Mikel Street in Northeast Belleville is named after him.

Holton, George Harold

  • Personne
  • 1885-1957

George Harold Holton was a prominent figure in the federal and provincial Liberal parties during the 1920s until his death.

Holton, Donald Mackenzie

  • Personne
  • 1915-1971

Donald Holton was the son of George Harold Holton and a volunteer recruit for the Canadian Army during the Second World War. His letters describe weather, social activities, politics, and his experiences during the conflict.

Clarke, W. S.

  • Personne
  • 1867-1944

William Spence Clarke was a photographer in Belleville, Ontario. He died on 15th January 1944.

Obituary published in the Ontario Intelligencer on the day of his death:

William Spence Clarke, Trent Road, Belleville, died in the Kingston General Hospital early this Saturday morning after an illness of seven weeks' duration.
The late Mr. Clarke, who was in his 78th year, was born in Campbellford and was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clarke. Fifty years ago he came to reside in Belleville and for a considerable time he was a partner with the late H. K. Smith, the firm being widely known as Smith & Clarke, Photographers. Later he entered business on his own account and except for a short time during which he lived in California, he carried on a successful business in this city. He stood high in his profession as a photographic artist.
To many friends in Belleville and elsewhere the death of W. Spence Clarke has brought much regret. He was well known in the city and district and was highly esteemed. In religion he was a member of Bridge Street United Church and fraternally he was a life member of Moira Lodge No. 11 A.F. & A.M.: Moira Chapter No. 7 R.A.M. and King Baldwin Preceptory No. 6.
Surviving him are his wife, the former Agnes Campbell; two brother, Mr. Jamieson Clarke, of Buffalo, N.Y., and Mr. James Clarke, Los Angeles, California.
Resting at the Martin Funeral Home, Church Street, until Sunday morning, then at his late residence, Trent Road.

Résultats 81 à 100 sur 1589