Showing 1591 results

People and Organizations

Robertson, Ron

  • Person
  • fl. 1973-2016

Ron Robertson was a tenant in 64 Queen Street, Belleville, Ontario, a house owned by Nan Branscombe,


  • Corporate body
  • fl. 2007

The Bohemian was a nightclub at 248 Front Street, Belleville, Ontario.

Elliott, Lena Marjorie

  • Person
  • 1906-1999

Lena Marjorie Elliott (Bell) was born on April 6, 1906 in Shannonville, Hastings County. She was the daughter of James William Bell and Jessie Munshaw. She married Borden Elliott in 1938 and was married to him for 29 years. Her teaching career began at the age of 17, educating children from grade one to grade eight in a one-room schoolhouse on the Slash Road. After six years, she attended Teacher's College. Mrs. Elliott did some teaching in Belleville before being invited to return to the Mission School where her career had begun. She died on March 23, 1999.

Results 1421 to 1440 of 1591